instameetbdaCOMING SOON

An Islandwide InstaMeet & Greet Event is coming 2018

We are currently planning an islandwide InstaMeet & Greet event for 2018.  The date and location are currently being worked on.  We are calling this an InstaMeet & Greet Event, but it will really be a Bermuda Social Media gathering as most Instagramers work on all Social Media platforms.

What’s a ‘typical’ InstaMeet?

A typical InstaMeet is a group of Instagramers meeting up to take photos and videos together. An InstaMeet can happen anywhere and be any size. They’re a great opportunity to share tips and tricks with other community members in your area, and an excuse to get out and explore someplace new!

What’s an InstaMeet & Greet?

An InstaMeet & Greet is a bit different than just a InstaMeet.  In this initial meeting, we felt it was a great opportunity to put a “face” with an “Instagram name”.  That’s it.  Meet and Greet. This could be a good opportunity for those using their Instagram accounts to market Bermuda, or your Bermuda brand or product, to pick other Bermuda Instagramers brains, get marketing ideas, disucss ways to cross brand, etc.  This is also a great way to meet everyone in a casual setting.  We will discuss ways to work together by adding value added hashtags to your post, or adding the appropriate location to your post.  Have a few cocktails, appetizers at the same time taking advantage of this opportunity to meet other Bermuda Instagramers.

Are you interested?

Just CLICK HERE and let us know if you are interested in joining the First InstaMeet and Greet.  Date and location details to be sent out once organized.  By letting us know if you are interested, this will give us an estimated head count and allow us to reach out to collaborate prior to the event.

What do I need?

Just an Instagram account and the interest in meeting, chatting, marketing, picking other’s brains, etc…with other Bermuda Instagramers.

Can I help?

Of course.   Great group events always require a team of great people.  If you are interested in helping plan the first InstaMeet & Greet event, please email us or shoot us a FB Message.  We are looking for Instagramers with the ability to organize and sponsor the event.  The event will require Food, Beverages and anything else that would make the first InstaMeet & Greet a success.  Please let us know your thoughts.

Get the word out.

Remember to hashtag your photos from the first event with #InstaMeetBDA  –  Also, if you know of someone that should be at this InstaMeet & Greet gathering, please forward the link to this page or like our Facebook page and share with other Bermuda Instagramers.

Additional Questions?

Please contact Ron Spencer III (aka @SpencerIsland) at

Have you liked InstaMeet Bermuda on Facebook?

